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1st: We want to offer free shipping.

- We want to expand and make enough to where we can offer free shipping on most of our items and to most places.


2nd: We want to raise/make enough money to host annual events.

- We plan to host annual events such as dance parties, game parties, costume parties and more events safe for ages 15+  


3rd: We want to have a real location store for people to come in.

- We want to have a location for people to come in and for us to finally become a real business and stock up on awesome brands as well as our hand made products.



4th: We want to hold weekly/monthly events in our store.

- We want to be able to move our annual events right into our very own store on weekends.


Donator Perks


Kyronix Sticker.............................. $5.00
10% Discount*............................... $10.00
15% Discount*............................... $15.00
20% Discount*............................... $20.00​
25% Discount*............................... $25.00
20% Discount + Mini Tail*...........  $30.00+
  [MINI TAIL 1]         [MINI TAIL 2] 
* If order meets certain coupon requirements
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